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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First Post!

So, I'm starting this blog - not because I think I have so much to say, but because I thought some of you who are not nearby might like to keep up with our family somehow instead of waiting on me to send you pictures! I hope that this will be a fun way to do that. I'll try to keep it updated regularly, but you know me. It may not quite happen the way I plan. I hope to see you here often! Please comment and let me know what you think! Love to you all.


Jill said...

Welcome to the blogging world...happy you're here! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

You said you were going to change "just"! I think it should read a Christian mother and wife with a strange fettish for scrapbooking. I stay especially busy with my children, scrapbooking about every sneeze and cleaning bathrooms. Doesn't that have a better ring to it?!