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Thursday, November 26, 2009

So thankful

Yesterday I got an email from our Women's Enrichment Director at church and it had a quote in it that said,

If all you had today were the things you thanked God for yesterday, what would you have today?

Whoa, that is heavy, isn't it? It really made me think. I am an overall pretty grateful person. It's something my mom and dad really stressed when I was growing up, and I am pretty aware of my blessings. Sometimes though, life gets crazy and I can complain. And you know what? I really don't have anything to complain about! Broken dishwasher? Well, I have dishes to wash and food that we ate on the dishes, as well as hot water to wash them in. A husband or kids that don't do exactly what I want them to when I want them to? Well, I have a healthy, great husband and children. So, I'm going to try not to complain as much as possible. If I do, I'm going to try to turn it into a thanks to God for whatever is getting on my nerves. Because all in all, nothing should get on my nerves.

I hope you all have a wonderful and full of thanks Thanksgiving! I'm thankful to be spending it with the cute Indian and pretty Turkey above!

1 comment :

Garretts said...

What a great post, Sarah. I need that a reminder like that too!