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Monday, June 15, 2009


Last week was such a flurry of busyness. It was great - VBS and a visit from Aunt Beth, but it was really busy and we had 2 very tired little ones by the end of the week. Friday night we went out to dinner and before our food could get to the table, Aubrey was sound asleep sitting up. We couldn't wake him up to eat. It was so cute.

So we are really going to enjoy this week of doing nothing but whatever we want. Sleeping in, enjoying the pool and working in the garden are the only things on our list. (I do have to do laundry so we have clean clothes.) Other than that, our schedule is clear. Just the thing to make me say, "Aaaahh."


Anonymous said...

Glad you're having a fun and relaxing summer so far :)

Stacey Michaud said...

Sarah--I wanted to come over and say a heartfelt thanks for all your thoughts and prayers involving my family situation. I can't tell you the comfort it brought us. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, hope everything's going well for you this week! I will definitely be praying for you to be able to make more time w/ Him in your day :) I know He will bless you for it!